Aish was in Hyderabad on Wednesday, to open a new boutique in the city. She said, "I have been asked about my future projects since the start of this year. It feels great to be asked this because I feel missed." She added, "I have been taking care of Aaradhya since she came into our lives and now that she's one year old, I am finally starting to believe that I am ready to return. Right now I am hearing some scripts.
But everything is still in the discussion stage."she says.
So, are any projects coming up with Brand Bachchan?
Aish says, "A lot of ideas are flying out there. It's really amazing to see a lot of offers coming in. It has been happening for six months, since I went to Cannes. But I take my time when it comes to agreeing to anything, be it movies or brand endorsements. When I do say `yes', I am there for the long haul."
How did Aishwarya Rai deal with her weighty issues, and the much hue and cry surrounding it??
"My response to critics is just to smile," she says. "It is sad how India's perception of weight-gain as against the West has changed." The irony is that Indian women are supposed to be full bodied. Some of us discover it during different phases of our lives. For me it was motherhood," she adds. "It is all about being comfortable in your own skin. I think my silence to all the criticism I faced in a way gave strength to a lot of women. I remember a woman in Bahrain coming up to me and saying this too," says Aishwarya.
In India, when media were busy criticizing her for her post pregnancy weight, an international publication named her as still the most beautiful woman on the planet.
The star was all praises for the city. She tagged Hyderabad as 'Elaborate'.
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