Ishaqzaade star Parineeti Chopra, Cocktail actor Diana Penty and even Kajal Agarwal, the original actress of the movie was at first considered for the role but finally Sonakshi bagged the role. Parineeti had to leave the chance of pairing opposite Akshay due to her contract with Yash Raj banner.
"Parineeti was in talks for the role, Diana and Kajal were not very high on the makers' priority list. Sonakshi was always on Murugadoss's mind. The idea was to cast a girl who can match Akshay's machismo with an unapologetic attitude. And she has proved she can do that with the Dabangg series."
Interestingly, after Rowdy Rathore, Joker and the unreleased Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai 2, the Thuppakki remake will be Sonakshi's fourth film with Akshay. She was also seen in the item number 'Govinda' in Akshay's hit film, OMG: Oh My God.
It is also heard that Akshay also wished to cast Sonakshi in the movie though he is not involved in the casting process. "The casting was Murugadoss's call. Akshay is friends with Sonakshi and her family, but he has been too busy with Khiladi 786 and the shooting of Boss to participate in these decisions," adds the insider.
The film will be produced by Akshay's Hari Om Entertainment and Vipul Shah's Sunshine Pictures and the shooting will begin early next year. The script has been modified to suit both south and north Indian audience.
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