The couple met during the shooting of 'Zeher'. Anurag Basu introduced Mohit Suri to the film industry and Udita was introduced by Pooja Bhatt. When Anurag was down with cancer, Mohit apparently completed the shooting of 'Tumsa Nahii Dekha'. A source says, "There was news that the couple would get married if Mohit's Crook was a hit. However, Udita later moved to LA while there was a buzz about Mohit's affair with Kangna Ranaut, which he vehemently denied."
When Udita was out of work, she moved to the US and the long-distance relationships did not work for Mohit. In his defense, Mohit said that Udita did not understand his passion for filmmaking. The loneliness haunts Mohit and he desperately looked for a companion after he completed 'Murder 2'..
While the couple remained unavailable for comment, a source close to both of them confirmed their wedding and furthermore director Mahesh Bhatt confirmed the news saying, "Ji haan Mohit aur Udita shadi kar rahe hain aur ye sahi baat hai."
It is highly assumed that Udita and Mohit's ups and downs relationship has affected the making of sequel to 'Aashiqui' but Bhatt quips,"Marriage, divorce, death, nothing affects a movie. Every movie takes it own time to be made and released."
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